Benjamin van den Broek has been relishing the challenge of leading FIFPRO's union and player relations team over the last six months. Van den Broek, who played professionally for 13 years in the Netherlands, England and Romania, took on the Director of Union and Player Relations role after his successful stint as Union and Player Services Manager.
After hanging up his boots in 2018, Van den Broek joined FIFPRO in January 2019 after spending many years on Dutch union VVCS's Central Players Council. The one-time New Zealand international sat down with FIFPRO to reflect on what has been achieved under his guidance so far, what he has drawn from his experiences as a player, and how FIFPRO’s upcoming General Assembly in Indonesia can generate constructive and meaningful dialogue among members.
FIFPRO: Benjamin, how do you reflect on your opening six months in the Director of Union and Player Relations role?
Benjamin van den Broek: We've welcomed some fantastic new team members to our union and player relations department and, during our strategy day, we laid out a plan for the coming year. We’re working on projects that truly have the potential to make a difference for our members and, ultimately, the players.
We're developing a pocket guide on workload that unions can share with their players to educate and engage them on the topic. The Raising Our Game Europe 2025 project is nearing completion, providing unions with tools to assess the state of women’s football in their countries and actionable steps to drive improvement. We also have exciting programmes in the works on the FIFPRO Campus and we’re committed to collaborating even more closely with our members and player network. It feels like a time of growth and innovation.
What have you drawn from your experiences as a footballer and long-standing member of the union and player relations team?
Throughout my playing career, I experienced first-hand the vital support of player unions. They were my safety net during tough times, such as addressing non-payment issues when I moved abroad. These experiences deeply impacted me and inspired my desire to prevent similar challenges for other players. With their help I was also able to study while playing. My time abroad and my experiences at FIFPRO have given me insights into the complexities unions face. I always aim to approach our initiatives and projects from the perspectives of both the unions and the players.

The union and player relations team has grown in personnel, diversity, and skills. How has this impacted the work and service to members?
In recent months, we’ve taken a strategic approach to identify what we need in order to better understand our members' diverse challenges. By building a more diverse team with a range of skills, we’re not just enhancing our understanding – we’re transforming how we connect with our members.
The impact of a strong player network cannot be overstated. Having a diverse team empowers us to build relationships, and we’ve witnessed the tremendous influence that players can have when they speak out on important issues. Together, we’re creating a powerful support system for our members.
Are there key areas in the work with our members you would like to focus on?
Our members are doing incredible things, and we want to learn from their successes and share those best practices widely. We want to amplify our voice and drive meaningful change – whether that’s defining opportunities, together with the members, to organise around or engaging players who are passionate about the issues we champion.

How do you envision the opportunities our members can benefit from in these areas?
By organising collectively around key issues and fostering a passionate player network, we can significantly strengthen the position of player unions. The stronger position of player unions will lead to improved dialogue among stakeholders in some countries; you see that in countries where there is a strong union presence and where there is dialogue between different domestic stakeholders that leads to better support systems for all and a higher quality of the product ‘football’.
It will be your first FIFPRO General Assembly as Director of Union and Player Relations. What will you encourage members to reflect on ahead of the General Assembly to enable meaningful dialogue in Indonesia?
I'm excited about our upcoming General Assembly. It's great that all player associations will be gathering at this event and I'm looking forward to engaging with them. I have every confidence that our dialogue will be constructive. Bringing 100+ passionate people together brings energy, spirit and discussions. Embrace respect and let the outcome always be that the world gets a little better for players.