- Raising Our Game Europe 2025, also known as ROGE25, is equipping 12 player associations in Europe with tools and resources to improve standards and conditions in women's domestic football
- Co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, ROGE25 is carried out in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux
- Project’s first cluster analysis report, which maps the current professionalisation levels of 12 European countries, was presented to participating unions
FIFPRO member unions convened on Monday 6 November to give their feedback on the first Raising Our Game Europe 2025 (ROGE25) cluster analysis report.
Co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme and done in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux, ROGE25 is designed to develop tools and resources to support player associations with promoting equal opportunities, access, and inclusion for women’s players in various domestic leagues.
FIFPRO Europe are carrying out the project with seven partner unions (Cyprus, Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia), and five affiliate unions (England, Greece, Scotland, Spain, Sweden).
The first round of data, which was collected in the first half of 2023, was presented to the participating associations and aims to measure the degree of professionalisation of the 12 countries involved. The cluster report illustrates current standards and conditions in 12 dimensions, known as the Wheel of Conditions, which includes:
- Contracts
- Health & Safety
- Training & Match Environments
- Wages & Compensation
- Workload
- Employment Promotion
- Social Protection
- Player Data Protection
- Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
- Non-Discrimination
- Access to Remedy
- Education
ROGE25 Survey: Cluster Report

“As the indicators used in the cluster analysis report have the same weight, we wanted to hear feedback from our unions to determine whether some indicators should be added, removed or edited, whether some indicators should have greater or lesser weight, and whether any of the 12 dimensions should have greater or lesser weight,” said Caitlin Fisher, senior researcher on the project.
“Any modifications will naturally alter the initial analysis, but this is part of the process. We want to create the most accurate picture possible to help identify the areas which require the most improvement and give our unions the tools to tackle them efficiently.”
As far as the global score for each dimension of the Wheel of Conditions is concerned, contracts, education and social protection are the most advanced areas, whereas freedom of association and collective bargaining, health and safety require significant improvements.
Spain, Italy and Sweden have the higher scores whereas Scotland, France and Greece currently have the lowest.

Nicolas Delorme, an associate professor in sociology of sport at the University of Bordeaux who led the survey, said: "The findings of the cluster analysis will help us to design specific toolkits to support more efficiently the unions according to their strengths and weaknesses. They will also help us identify the good practices that are already implemented in order to share them with all the unions."
FIFPRO Europe General Secretary Joachim Walltin said: “I would like to highlight the work of the researchers Caitlin Fisher and Nicolas Delorme on the cluster report, as well the 12 participating unions for their valuable help in providing information and data when assessing their respective leagues and unions. We are all looking forward to the next steps of this important project to support professionalisation of women’s football.”
Next year, tools and resources will be supplied to the 12 participating unions to help improve conditions and standards for women’s players in domestic leagues. Capacity-building workshops with the participating unions will begin in January-March 2024 before player workshops will take place in April-August 2024.
A ROGE25 panel event will take place in Bilbao, Spain before the UEFA Women’s Champions League final on Saturday 25 May 2024.